300m Challenge!
About 50% of the 300 million children in India cannot read well. Katha, along with numerous other corporate, government and nonprofit organisation has started on a journey to make each child read for fun and meaning. The project therefore, required me to create communication design/content that inspires people to volunteer, donate, support or join the mission.
Website: http://katha.org/300m/
My Role in the #300mChallenge Project:
I have been leading the social and digital media presence of #300mChallenge campaign. As the brand strategist at Katha, I was guided by Geeta Dharmarajan, the Founder & President of Katha in strategising & designing creatives for the same- for offline and online events.
The #300mChallenge campaign won the special mention award by Digital Empowerment Foundation & Facebook

300m Challenge Standees
For various 300m Challenge events, that involved participation from our stakeholders, we designed the following standees

300m Challenge Newsletter
A newsletter for the 300m Challenge alliance, briefing them about the latest happenings at Katha and beyond to make each child become a reader-leader!
Link to newsletters: Issue 1 & Issue 2

Book Donation Drive Campaigns
As part of our 300m Challenge goals- we wanted to collect as many donated books as possible and set up Community Owned & Operated Libraries in Delhi Slums.
The social media campaign for the same, resulted in Katha receiving more than 30,000 donated books from students, families, organisations etc.
PVR showcased Katha's film, and installed donation boxes (below) in their halls- where donors donated. We spread the word around for this through social media (picture on the left below- which were spaces where the boxes were installed).

Social Media for Empowerment Award!
We recieved an Award from Digital Empowerment Foundation & Facebook, in all of South Asia, for this campaigning at #SM4E2018 Awards held in Delhi!